Livnat, Mayer & Co. - Advocates לבנת, מאיר ושות' - עורכי דין

Elder Care, Wills and Estates

Elder Care, Wills and Estates

Our firm is sensitive to the needs of the young and elderly.  We advise clients on a regular basis regarding care issues including with respect to legal authority to act on behalf of others generally as well as in a medical context.  We counsel clients on the needs of the 4 main documents which may be particularly relevant depending on different stages of life from Healthcare Proxies, to Advanced Medical Directives, Powers of Attorney and Testamentary Wills.

We handle guardianship proceedings on behalf of others, probate Wills entered into in Israel and abroad and counsel our clients on the best method for protecting their interests while considering the potential tax ramifications of choices.

One of our partners regularly lectures to immigrant groups with respect to all of the above-referenced matters.